Sometimes, you can tell a lot about a watch just from the name alone. The Duneshore Shallows for instance, is every bit as dramatic as the name implies, same goes for the Orange Monster, and Gorilla Thunderbolt. The Netherlands based brand Aevig sets a similar expectation with watches like the Huldra, Valkyr, and Thor (which is, ironically, a dress watch). Aevig is a brand we’ve been following since 2014, and their first project in 2022 is the launch of a GMT equipped Thule, or Thyïlea as labeled on the dial. As far as dramatic names go, this one doesn’t disappoint, but does the watch live up to the expectation?
The name, Thule, may conjure images of a mythical island in the far north, beyond the borders of this world, as the literal meaning of the word implies. However, the (less common spelling) Thyïlea printed on the bottom of the dial is simply meant to remind you that “no matter what the goal is, it is about the journey.” That journey, in this case here in the real world, is to the late ‘60s, where this watch takes inspiration from retro television designs for its unique shape. Ok, so it’s more bell bottoms than borders to a new world, but a noble destination nonetheless.