“Three, two, one … GO!” Leif Mumma stabs the hard-packed snow with his ski poles and launches himself out of the start gate. He immediately takes a different, more central line down the steep Ozone face. By the looks of his sheer speed and direct approach, he’s charging hard, taking the mountain head-on. Judging his quick decision making and go-big-or-go-home style, you wouldn’t think that this is Mumma’s first rodeo, but it is. He’s just a rookie on the Freeride World Tour.
With a handful of speed, Mumma dramatically cuts in and out, just holding onto his ski’s edges down what seems to be one of thinner areas on the mountain face. He makes one technical jump off a rock face, lands, then cuts right. Then another. As Mumma dances around several spruce trees, the oohs and aahs arise from the spectators along the opposite ridge. At that moment, we’re all witnessing poetry in motion.

Suddenly, an audible crack breaks the excitement. The mountain face starts to erupt on Mumma’s left as he completes a 20 foot jump. Whatever snow that was settled along the lower center portion of the face has now released, rushing down like a raging waterfall. Mumma is just out of the avalanche’s grip as he attempts his last trick. Out of nowhere Mumma’s ski gets caught by a sharkie (an exposed rock in a sea of snow that resembles a shark’s dorsal fin). He’s projected off of the face, his arms and poles flapping like a wingless bird, and his body rotating sideways. WHISH! Mumma crashes and disappears into a bed of snow as remnants of the avalanche to his left cloud any sort of visibility from where he landed. As the snow settled, Mumma emerged, still with both of his skis attached and relatively unscathed. He skis out of the mess towards the finish gate as the crowd burst into applause for his safe return. His score, given his wipeout and the face giving way, still a respectable 39.67. This was just one run at the Golden, Kicking Horse Freeride World Tour.

The Freeride World Tour is a worldwide circuit of freeride snowboarding and skiing with the collection of the best riders in the world competing on some of the most iconic and challenging mountain faces across the globe. What the rider does during his or her trip from the start gate to the finish gate is judged by five different scoring categories: difficulty of line, control, fluidity, jumps, and technique. Each of their scores are tallied up and the riders with the highest point total will make the cut to compete for the championship that’ll take place in Xtreme Verbier, Switzerland. It just so happens that the event at Golden, Kicking Horse was the last chance for those riders on the outside looking in to make the cut. And thanks to Alpina Watches, who is in their fifth year sponsoring the Freeride World Tour, I got to be a spectator to some gnarly skiing/snowboarding, chatted with a couple of their competing brand ambassadors, and checked out their latest special edition Alpiner Extreme.