After spending some time with Alex Bescoby, it doesn’t take long to be completely disarmed by his charm and charisma. A conversation with Alex seems less akin to getting to know a stranger, and more like catching up with a long-time friend. And if one thing can describe just how much of a jovial person Alex is, then let this tiny anecdote he shared about how he got his watch stolen in Argentina while filming a documentary paint a picture for you – “It was the nicest robbery I’ve ever been a part of.”

In a crowded bar, he blends right in, participating in each new interaction with the same warm enthusiasm. Standing next to him however, you would never guess that the guy is an established documentary filmmaker, premiering successful works such as In Forgotten Allies which explores the bygone history of WWII in south-east Asia, as well as a documentary entitled We Were Kings, which tells the true story of Burma’s lost royal family, and won Alex the inaugural award for the first-ever Whicker’s World Foundation Funding Award. Enamored by world history, Alex has traveled to the far corners of the globe in search of interesting stories to tell, but more importantly, to shed light on a locale’s culture and current events. More recently, Alex completed one of the most epic road trips ever to be documented by summiting what those in the overlanding community call, the Mount Everest of motoring.

In an event hosted by Bremont at the Classic Car Club in Manhattan, Alex was scheduled to give a talk about his book and docu-series called The Last Overland. The Classic Car Club is an enormous space situated right along the Hudson River and is home to a collection of head-turning vehicles, including the classically analog 1987 328 Ferrari and a powder blue 1974 BMW M2, parked and displayed for all of its club members (and event attendees, including myself) to experience. In a loft perched above the garage and overlooking the entire concourse, drinks were served as Bremont presented their latest novelties including the well-proportioned H1 Fury and the next-generation Supernova.